Registration & Enrollment
All registration is submitted online. Please create an account to enroll your dancer in classes. When you register, you will also read and agree to our liability waiver and agreements. You can also check balances and make payments online via the parent portal.
After a period of two weeks into either the fall or spring semesters, any class with enrollment of four or fewer students can be cancelled. If possible, alternative class options may be offered. If, for any reason, a class with four or fewer students is not cancelled altogether, then it is at the discretion of the Director whether that class will participate in performances/recital.
Please note, it is not uncommon for students to remain in their ballet or other class level for more than one year in order to advance successfully to the next level.
All important information will be shared via email and our Facebook group. Feel free to message us on Facebook Messenger with any questions you may have.
Class Schedule
Notification of class cancellations will be shared as soon as possible via call, text, email, and Facebook.
Classes begin mid-August, and our recital is held in mid-to-late May. We typically follow the Tahlequah Public Schools’ calendar for holidays. We will have three weeks off for Christmas Break. We announce holidays and breaks with at least 24-hour notice on Facebook and via email.
Costume Fee
Due October 15
Mommy & Me, Level I, Level II
Level III
Intermediate, Advanced classes
$75-$110 per class
Classes with only one recital dance
If your dancer drops a class before October 15, you are eligible for a refund of your costume fee if your balance is paid in full. If your dancer drops a class after October 15th, you will not receive a refund or costume(s).
Dropping Classes
You must notify us that your dancer has dropped class(es). Otherwise, you will continue to be billed.
Tuition is an annual amount, billed in 10 installments on the 1st of each month, August through May. Payments are the same regardless of holidays, absences, snow days, etc.
A late fee of $15 will be applied to any tuition payment not received by the 10th.
Class Length Per Week | Monthly Tuition |
30 minutes | $35 |
45 minutes | $45 |
1 hour | $50 |
1 hour 30 minutes | $60 |
Unlimited Student Plan: $185/mo
$5 off each additional class
Place in an envelope with your dancer’s name(s) on the front and what you want the payment to be applied to (ex. tuition)
Please do not use an envelope. Write the dancer’s name(s) and how you want the payment applied on the memo line
Our recital date takes place in mid-to-late May each year, and it is announced in the Spring. It will be posted to Facebook and the Parent Portal. Costumes will be passed out the week of recital IF the dancer’s balance has been paid in full.
A $50 recital fee will be charged to each family’s account. This fee is due March 1st.